Burlap Wreath | Design №1
Wreaths made from strips of burlap can be seen all over blogland and Pinterest.
With all the burlap that DH brought home for me,
I decided the best way to get rid of some of it was to finally break down and make a wreath.
They are really easy to make
really time consuming!!
Cut your burlap in to strips about 1 inch wide and 12 inches long.
Please don't ask me how many strips I cut, all I know is it took me about 6 hours to cut them all.
I used a Christmas wreath that I was no longer going to use and after cutting all those strips all I wanted to do was get this wreath finished!!!
Take all your strips and begin to tie them onto the wreath; making it as full as you can.
Once finished it should be full and fluffy.
After all the strips are tied on; go through with scissors and cut strips to approximately the same length.
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