Meet Tina

Welcome to Maples & Stone...I'm  Tina! 
I'm the owner/creator of this blog which was started in 2011 under several different names until I decided to name it after our 14th home (est. 2009); and just like my blog, my home is a constant work in progress!

I married my high school sweetheart 35 plus years ago. The first 23yrs of our marriage was spent making a home wherever the Army sent us. 

I'm a proud mom of 3 adult children, 1 s-n-l and grandma of 2 boys and 1 girl. My home is also blessed with 2 wonderful fur babies (2 dogs) and on occasion 3 grand fur babies (2 dogs, 1 cat).

My wonderful DH is my builder of dreams...whatever I dream up or inspiration I find, he builds. 

I'm a lover of books (I will read pretty much any genre and will normally finish a book in 3 to 5 days), family treasures, vintage/ antique items are welcomed, loved and used in my home (especially the family treasures).

Rearranging rooms + redecorating has always been a love in my life(thankfully the Army moving us fed this love). However, I find myself now a days being more content with the perfect placement of furnishings than in the past! But I still love to move pictures (the many patched holes prove this), lamps and decor.

Here's hoping this little corner of the blogging world inspires you to go from house living to home loving using what you have, love and your budget allows.

I would be so pleased if you would stay awhile and have a look around.

Thank you very much for being here!

Have a beautiful week!


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