Anyways, back a few weeks ago while digging around in one of my junk drawers I came across a memory stick. I had no idea what was one it. That is the bad thing about memory sticks, they are rather small, easy to misplace and rather hard to label. Well, guess what photos I found? Now first let me say, my other lap top went PPFFFFFFT back over a year ago. I was so upset because I thought I had lost these and many other photos. BUT I found them, I never erased the memory stick they were on!!! YIIIPPPEEE!!
I am not sure whether many of you know this, but I have an
Once he was home my mother and I set a date for our mini vacay to happen. We would stay at my parents house. They would stay with our then teenagers, make sure they didn't kill each other and take care of our grandson. Let me just say the day we left I was so excited I was about to jump out of my skin!! Yeah, I know I am weird! HA! We get there and settled in, then I tell him that the next day I am going to introduce him to 'The Lady on the Hill'.
The day is here. When we arrive at the ticket office I hand DH the camera, I wanted to see her through his eyes. Well, lets just say when she was in view his breath was actually taken away!
(no picture taking is allowed inside)
This is what he took and I thought I had lost. (WARNING PHOTO HEAVY BUT NOT ALL PHOTOS ARE POSTED)
The Gate House |
The views are spectacular in all directions. It was overcast when we went but when the sky is clear and the sun is out, you swear you can see forever! |
The detail on her renders you speechless. |
Look at that Wisteria, just starting to bloom. |
I LOVE gargoyles! |
They have the most beautiful gardens. |
These are just a few of the photos. Notice mainly what he focused on was all the detail? She is simply breathtaking. If you ever get the chance stop by and see her. Hope you enjoyed this short walk down memory lane.
Enjoy your day,
♡ Tina ♡
{SUNDAY: sunday's best party @ my 1929 charmer; bouquet of talent @ life on lakeshore drive; share it one more time @ one more time events} {MONDAY: make it pretty monday @ the dedicated house} {TUESDAY: nifty thrifty tuesday @ coastal charm; tasty tuesday @ the comforts of home; the scoop (4 blogs, 1 party) @ worthing court, stongable, confessions of a plate addict, cedar hill farmhouse} {WEDNESDAY: what we accomplished wednesday @ green willow pond; party on the porch @ the shady porch} {THURSDAY: project pin-it$nbsp;@ glitter, glue & paint } {FRIDAY: be inspired friday @ common ground} {SATURDAY: saturday sparks @ pieced pastimes}
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