DIY Lamps

North Carolina, USA
Hey! Do you switch lamps out like you do socks? I do! Especially in the family room.  I'm not sure why, but every lamp I've used in there was never exactly what I wanted.  We've lived in this house since 2009 and until 2022 there was a revolving door of lamps!

I had ordered 4 of these table legs for a project but changed my mind, so they sat in the garage for some time.  Then one day I was shopping for lamps (again) and spotted some that I loved the style of,  but not the color or price. I showed Jeff, he mentioned that the style resembled the legs in the garage.  I had a light bulb moment, there were my lamps! 

It took me a few weeks to gather the stuff we needed, then another month for me to find the lampshades and Jeff a few hours to make the lamps. But in the end it was worth it! 


This is a very simple diy. 


  1. Cut the base for the lamp, then mark center and drill a ⅜" hole all the way through 
  2. Flip base over, using the router, router a groove for the cord to tuck into

Lamp Body

  1. Find center of leg on both ends and mark 
  2. Clamp leg down securely and drill hole through the leg (this takes some muscle and time)
  3. Sand of any rough edges from drilling
  4. Attach base with glue (and/or nails)
  5. Stain or paint 
  6. Once dry feed cord from the top to the bottom 
  7. Assemble light socket, add light, harp and shade.

There you have it.  Your new lamps.

*There will be no post next week*

Until next time,
xo Tina


★I am not affiliated with any company/business shared on this website★

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