Hello! Today is:


What I've Read | Book Bub

First, let me state that I am not being compensated in anyway for this post!

I love books and reading.

Authors that I read on a regular basis I always try to buy the actual hardback books.
But there are times when I find a new author or book that peeks my interest. However, over the years I have purchased these books only to be disappointed by the story and then upset because of the money I have spent. Unfortunately the libraries we have around here are rather limited on the books the offer, so I stay away from them.

But, ohhh, with the onset of nook, kindle, etc. I have found away to read books inexpensively or download a sample, and if I don't enjoy them I'm not out a ton of money,I can delete them, nor do I have to remember to take the pile of books sitting in the garage to where ever I am going to donate them. Just recently I have found a way to read books that I may normally not buy/read for FREE or for under $2.00 and to join is also FREE!! The name of this wonderful place?


It is a great way to read new (to you) authors, authors you may be familiar with, and new genres you might be interested in.
I love it!
Since I joined about two months ago I have bought/downloaded 7 books. I haven't read them yet, but as I do I will write a post about them.

But for now, why not head over and check out


Happy Reading!!


  1. I signed up for it and I'm loving the free books I see this morning! Thanks Tina! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Diane


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