Christmas is a-Comin'

     Can you believe that Christmas is 24 days from now? I feel as though I have lost time somewhere...

How about you?

I have really been distracted the last few months with ideas, reflections and just a constant whirlwind of thoughts in my mind. It has gotten to the point on some days where I forget whether I'm coming or going.

Plus this will be a different Christmas for us...
my daughter plus her family and my son plus his family
will not be home for Christmas, nor will DH and I be able to go there.
But all isn't lost since Devyn is here with us (you can read why here) until Christmas break, Jacs will be coming to spend a week with us after Christmas and Mikey will be here during Christmas. So we may be minus our babies in body but they will be here in spirit!

And with all the inspiration that seems to have hit blog land earlier than it seems to have last year...
I feel even more behind!

But all is not lost... at least I hope not!

Since I haven't even started decorating...
which for me starts the evening of Thanksgiving with the tree, so it can settle before being decorated...
I decided to show you some of my decor from Christmas' of past.


This image of our tree was in our old house and before I started blogging...
I just happen to find this on a memory card from an old camera.


read more about this ornament


Hope you enjoyed this walk through Christmases of the past.


  1. Wow! You have some amazing decorations! I love your neat Santa and the plaid pillow. Enjoy your week sweet friend! Hugs, Diane

  2. Its so hard when traditions changed and you're not all together as a family. Since moving 3 hours away, we don't get time with family on Christmas Day either. So we take what we can get and we're having Christmas on December 22nd this year. It won't be the same, but it will still work.
    I love looking back to see how our decor changes from year to year too!

    1. Thankfully after years of moving with the military, it won't be extremely hard just an adjustment.
      Usually in our family we try to alternate the holidays, one year Thanksgiving/Christmas with one family, etc. However with their move and work schedules things got a little mixed up, but that's life!

      OH! My decor usually changes every 2 years. I'm having trouble this year figuring out how I want to decorate, so my tree is sitting empty, and so is the house!

  3. Hi Tina, your home decorated from Christmas pasts is just gorgeous. You share so many great ideas here. I know that it can be different when family can not be all together, but like you said, sometime it goes like this. You will be close in spirit and thoughts I am sure. Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas.
    Hugs and Blessings


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