Birthday Display Plaque

NO! I am not going to sing, talk about the movie 'Sixteen Candle' nor is it my birthday. I am going to talk about the birthday display plaques that I have seen on pinterest. They are the cutest and not to mention it makes keeping up with birthdays a lot easier. Especially for me. :o)

I am sure many of you have not seen the message center that I have in my kitchen. If you would like to read the how-to •HERE• The instructions aren't very clear, since it was installed before I started blogging but you will get the basics if you want to make one your self.

Now every month I fill out the above calendar with all the events, Dr. appt, comings and goings, etc of the household. Usually, I run out of room for any up coming birthdays and I or 'my precious' have to write them on the chalk board.

When I saw these I knew I needed to make one.

here for more info...Cricut

I already had the wood and a few other supplies on hand. I asked DH to cut and router the plaque. The size: 23.5 in x 1in x 6in, you can make yours any size, this is what will fit within the chalk board area of the message/life center.

I took a trip to Hobby Lobby and purchased two packages of wood tags ($1.69 per package of 10)

plus three drawer knobs that were 50% off! I chose the clock face knobs, it just seemed to fit.

I sanded any rough edges on the plaque, painted a base coat of brown paint, over that I painted it white, then distressed it.

I added "Birthday" across the top, then applied poly.

I set to work on the tags next. I sanded, painted them white, added names and dates, add some water downed brown paint to distress them, then added twine to use as hangers.

I marked off and drilled the holes for the knobs. After attaching them I marked and drilled holes in order to hang the plaque, anchors were inserted and the plaque was hung. Since I was moving the chalk board, I painted the area below the plaque the same color of the surrounding wall.

I taped off an area on the magnet board and painted it with the chalk board paint.

I then added a piece of decorative molding to separate the two areas. The nice thing is I can still use the entire area as a magnetic board!

Enjoy your day,
♡ Tina ♡


  1. Does not get any cuter than that. How clever. Thanks for sharing your inspiration with the newbie party.

  2. Love this idea, and so cute! thanks for the visit and happy mothers day!

  3. Tina, this is on my list of things to make! I missed a very important birthday recently. I'm so glad to know that you can buy to wooden tags in Hobby Lobby. I have a question. How did you add the name and dates? Did you paint them on? Your message board looks awesome with the birthday reminder.

  4. Fabulous idea and I'll never miss another birthday again!

  5. Tina, Super cute idea! Perfect for remembering birthdays. I love your message center, too! Visiting you from Debbiedoo's Newbie Party. I'm now following and look forward to seeing more of your creative projects. Have a great week!

  6. This is so clever! Great thinking- I, however, would even forget to look at that as a reminder. haha

  7. That's so clever and adorable... I love it.. The idea is awesome...
    Thanks so much for sharing.. Can't wait to see what you do next...
    Thanks for linking up to Simply Done Wright's All Stars Link Party..


  8. This looks really great! I love all things distressed! Its a great way to keep those Birthdays in the forefront of the mind!!
    Visiting from the newbie party!

  9. Absolutely lovely creation and such a great idea ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  10. Hi Tina!

    What a great idea... and no, I haven't seen these before. I have two of those clock knobs sitting around so I can do this too!

    Thanks for sharing at my party this week!

    xoxo Bunny Jean
    Wednesday's Bunny Hop Party

  11. Hi Tina! I'm so glad to meet you and really appreciate you joining in Show & Tell. I LOVE your birthday memo board...this was my first time to see anything like it...I think the tags are my favorite part. I didn't realize you could by wooden tags...I need to get to Hobby Lobby. Thank you for sharing this creative idea!

    Sharon @ mrs. hine class

  12. I love it! The addition of the birthdays makes it a perfect command center. I adore the knobs at Hobby Lobby btw. I'm hosting a weekly link party now and I'd love for you to join in at

  13. I just did a makeover on the areas like this in my kitchen. This is really cute! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  14. I love to have a central area for things to remember. Perfect set up! I love the little tags. Thank you for sharing this at Freedom Fridays!

  15. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing with us at tip toe thru tuesday!
    I am now your newest follower, love to have you follow as well if you'd like!
    Kim {andie's cohost for T4}

  16. I LOVE that you made your birthday board part of your command center board, so clever! And it turned out so pretty LOVE the nobs you used. Thanks for sharing with us at Link It Up Thursday.

  17. Hello Tina, this is quite clever - I love the knobs! A perfect way to remember birthdays! I am always forgetting someone! Thank you for sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  18. I must be behind the times since I haven't seen these birthday boards before. I so need to make one since I always forget the dates. Thanks so much for sharing on Tout It Tuesday!


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