A Note from Tina | №9
Hello There!
Welcome to 'A Note from Tina'. A monthly note where you can catch-up on all the projects, d.i.y.s, crafts, recipes, and life here at Maples & Stone. I'll also throw in favorite idas, inspiration, small businesses, home decor, recipes, instagram feeds, favorite purchases, etc or get on my soapbox about the price of eggs and/or social media! So grab your favorite drink and join me for a few. Thank you for being here!
● Life Lately
》》As you may know I lost my wonderful momma March 6th to Leukemia. She was diagnosed April of 23' with AML (3 months after my daddy passed). She refused chemotherapy and entered hospice and was doing so well she was released from hospice. Unfortunately in February she was admitted to Duke, they worked on her and she was released back into hospice a week later. She was doing good, then caught a stomach bug and just went down hill from there. But through all that she was still strong and positive!Losing your parents within a little more than a year of each other (even though you know it's coming) is hard; but what we found out two days after her passing was a WTF moment...my brother was diagnosed with AML!!! He's receiving chemotherapy as we speak and is doing good.
》》So, how many of you watched the solar eclipse?
》》DH and I have been slowly checking things off our to-do list; like new mulch and edging around our beds out front and in back, plus getting my raised beds ready for planting. I'm hoping I have better luck than I did last year.
》》DH and I took a day trip to The depot at Gibson Mill in Concord NC. I really didn't buy a lot but I did get ...
● Around the Web
》》Do you follow Kim @shiplapandshells? You should! She has the most beautiful gardens and her home is beautiful, too. If you don't have instagram, you can follow her blog (or both).
● Shopping (non-affiliated)
》》I've mentioned this before but I LOVE Brumate (drink ware & tumblers). I just recently bought their shaker for my morning protein drink and love it!
》》I also bought some more Tommy John sleep ware Here
》》Myquillyn Smith, Nesting Place , new book 'House Rules'
● On the Blog
Thank you for being patient with me, I'm hoping to get back to posting weekly soon.
you'll find me sharing at the parties listed here
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