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A Rediscovered Love...Crochet | №1

Over a year ago,
I was perusing Pinterest when I came across these beautiful crocheted throws.




It has been over 30 years since I picked up a crochet hook. I immediately decided that I was going to start crocheting again.
But would I remember how?
So, I hopped on google and began to search. Just imagine how pleased I was to find an abundance of youtube videos to help me out.

I then set out to see if I still had my very first crochet hook...
can you beleive...
after all these years I still had it.
With hook in hand (not literally) I set out on my quest for yarn, more hooks and ideas!

My first project was a blanket for Michael. Yeah, the over 6ft tall youngest son...
was that an undertaking...
it took me a year to finish it.

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to take any pictures before he gave me a kiss, thanked me, and wrapped himself in it. I thought I would have time before he went back to school...

I did have several other afghans that I was working and reworking during the past year.
I couldn't find the stitch that I loved well enough to finish one project.
this past November 2014,
when I found this adorable little stitch.

I knew it was the stitch to use for the family room afghan. I went out bought some white yarn and got to work. It took me a month working 2 to 3 days a week for 2 hours a day.

Isn't it just adorable?
Plus, it's so soft and warm!

There is one part of this afghan that I didn't work on. So, let me give a big shout out to Mr. HSH, for making the pom poms!!!

You see the making of pom poms & tassels eludes me. No matter how many times I have tried they always come out looking like...hell!
So, from this point on Mr.HSH is my official pom pom/tassle maker, YAY!

Have you rediscovered somthing you've been away from years?

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  1. Oh, I love the pretty white yarn you used. I have been stuck for a new project to start....I should try to crochet again, too! Enjoy your week sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

  2. What a pretty stitch! I would love to learn it! I actually started knitting again after decades and then just learned to crochet. Unfortunately it has been bothering my arthritis in my hands but I do a little every day anyways. It is addicting!

  3. I've been knitting SLOWLY. My problem is that I get bored with it once I've got the pattern down. So I rarely finish a project.
    Love the blanket you made - the popcorn stitch is one of my favourites too.
    And I'm pom pom challenged too!

    1. I could never get the hang of knitting. That's why I have 2 to 3 other throws going at the same time using different stitches.
      Pom pom challenged...I like that!!

  4. I love crocheting. You've done an amazing job; I'm working on a pretty challenging blanket right now but it's looking great!

  5. Hi Tina, Love your crocheted throw. It looks so warm and gorgeous with the puffed areas. Love the popcorn stitch and my mother used to do that one too. Yes the one I did is the vintage Broomstick Lace design. I've adopted that as my signature shop design and have done so many but I like it because it's fast and easy. LOL
    You are so talented and your work is stunning. Love the chair you have it thrown over too.

  6. What a lovely afghan! I am also coveting the chair it's thrown over. I enjoy knitting, crocheting, and am in the process of learning Tunisian crochet. One of the crafts I used to be addicted to was X-stitch. I really should get back into that again. Thanks for sharing on #TalentedTuesday.

    1. Thank you Sue! The chair plus the matching couch was a Christmas present from Mr. HSH. I have seen Tunisian crochet but haven't gotten the desire to jump in a try it yet. I used to cross stitch a little but never really enjoyed it. I hope you pick it back up again.

  7. This looks so cozy and soft! Beautifully done!!!
    I retired last year and have rediscovered crochet and quilting. It's so nice to have the time to finish projects (quilting) now. The crochet projects are always on going! I did finish a BIG one for my college boy! It's brown ombre, you ought to check it out. I'd like to do a black/gray one sometime, too. Happy crocheting!!

  8. Beatutiful, beautiful throw!...and love the pom-poms that you dadded!

  9. Your afghan turned out beautiful. There are several really pretty blankets on here. :0 Please come share your blog posts over at the Home Matters Linky Party! We'd love to have you for a visit. The Door is OPEN. http://lifewithlorelai.com/2015/02/05/home-matters-linky-party-23/ :)

    Life With Lorelai​

  10. That is GORGEOUS! I'd like to place an order! LOL Thanks so much for joining us at the #HomeMattersParty - we hope to see you again next week!

    1. Thank you Kriten! LOL ... I would love to sell these, at the rate I move it would take me 6 months to a year to finish it! :)

  11. This is beautiful! I have always admired someone that can crochet. I am not that talented in sewing or anything similar. I do have a longing to perfect it, one day.... I adore what you did, it looks cozy and stylish!

    1. Thank you, Emily! You will perfect it one day, you just have to keep plugging away at it!

  12. Beautiful crochet:) The white afghan is elegant and looks soft - I like it

  13. Good for you for trying again! I tried when I was a newly wed and did it way too tight. Haven't tried again since, but would like to try. Love how yours turned out. The yarn looks so soft and the pom pom's are fabulous! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  14. I picked up a crochet hook after many years too a couple of years ago. Which reminds me I have an unfinished scarf I need to finish! Your afghan is really beautiful. Love those pom poms! Thank you for sharing it at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a great week!
    Blessings, Deborah

  15. Gorgeous!! I love a hand made throw. Yours is just beautiful! Thanks for joining HSH!

  16. It's just beautiful and so cozy looking! I love the stitches...good job Mr HSH on the pom poms :-)

  17. It's just beautiful and so cozy looking! I love the stitches...good job Mr HSH on the pom poms :-)


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