What I've Read | May 2016

As I've mentioned before... I love to read. In fact, I have the kindle app and nook app on my phone, and both of my tablets. Now don't get me wrong; I still love the feel and smell of a physical book; but since they closed down my favorite book store {books a million} I rarely go to one. I order on-line. Sometimes I don't mind waiting for them to arrive and sometimes I do . . . hence the reading apps downloaded on everything. {smiling shyly}
But I digress...

Today I am here to list a few of the decorating books that I have thoroughly enjoyed reading and re-reading since they have been published or I've added to my library. {I was in no way compensated , nor will I be compensated for the review of this book by the author or the link site provided. The opinions are strictly my own.}

You may have already read some/all or maybe you haven't; but I'm sure many will recognize some of the authors as fellow bloggers. 

{not listed in any particular order}   

miss mustard seed

the shabby nest

Nesting Place

The Inspired Room

You can check out another book I like to look through over and over again Reading Nook - Pick of the Month - June 2014


Finally the other day I got around to buying another Melissa Michaels books . . .

Have you read any or all of these?

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