Hello! Today is:


  Hello! Well, here it is already July. I am actually in the process of redecorating this room . . . again! However, I have had this post partially finished for well over a year and I figured I would just go ahead with this reveal, so please forgive the photos

Actually this room has been decorated several times over the past 8 years and although I really liked the look, I decided I would go back to a queen size bed, instead of the daybed with a trundle.

I have never really been a yellow person. Touches of yellow here and there, especially flowers, but to decorate a room around a shade of yellow and grey was a surprise to even me. However, when I saw these curtains at The Christmas Tree Shoppe (no affiliation) I feel in love with them and bought 2 pairs.

I painted the walls gray and went to work putting this room together on a budget and using what I could find around my home.

I have had this metal star for some years hanging here and there throughout my home. I decided to hang it on one side of the window in this room . . .

on the other side of the window I hung a photo of a well that I found in a decorating book many years ago.

The table is a teak wood tea table my parents bought while stationed over seas.

I crocheted the throw and made the pillow and the shams from the second pair of curtains.

On the other side of the room I hung two candle sconces and placed yellow candles in them.

 These photos do not do the room justice. But I really liked the way it turned out.

metal star & well photo - already owned
lamp + clock + books - already owned
tea table used as nightstand - already owned
mirror + metal scrolls -already owned
daybed + trundle - given 
twin mattress - free
twin mattress -$229.00
floral curtains, 2 pairs - $16.99 each set
twin quilt set - $19.99

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