Need to Drill a Hole to a Specific Depth?

Hello Sweet Friends! 
Have you ever needed to drill a hole to a specific depth, but are not sure how? Well my DHJ (darling hubby Jeff) has two tip/tricks for you! Now if you're a DIYer you probably already know, but if not continue reading. 

Recently I asked DHJ to make a slight change to my kitchen plate rack. I wanted a few pegs on a board installed. While supervising watching him drilling the peg holes, I thought, this would be a good post and might be helpful to someone. 


  • wood pegs 
  • measuring tape or ruler 
  • correct size drill bit
  •  drill stops . 

No Drill Stops?

Now what do you do if you don't have drill stops
All you need is 
  • painters tape, 
  • chalk and/or soapstone. 
You can buy soapstone at any home improvement store or Amazon. DHJ used soapstone to mark cuts on our new flooring we installed. 


1. Measure the length of the peg (or whatever you're using) 

2. Choose the right size drill bit (circumference) Line up drill bit and measuring tape 

3. Mark depth on drill bit with either soapstone or chalk

4. Making sure not to smudge your mark wrap painters tape around drill bit 

5. Mark center for peg

6. Drill whole,  stopping when the tape is even with the wood (like above)

7. Brush away debris, make sure none is in the whole

8. Insert peg (don't forget to add glue)

Make sure to use scrap wood if you've never done this before. 
Hope this helps you out. 

Thank you for visiting! 

Enjoy your day! ♡ Tina

☆you'll find me sharing at the parties listed here

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